We welcome your
Letters will be edited for intelligibility, grammar and brevity.
Dear Mr. Non-Recalcitrant Husband
I tip my yeshiva hat to you as I’m so glad to see a website like yours. I know and can identify with your situation
(similar to mine) and have quietly followed your case for many years. I am currently on the ORA Recalcitrant list
and have been for quite some time. My situation is not as bad as yours by any means, but your website is something
that is very important to me and many others. It proves that these Agunah Organizations like ORA and Agunah and
her Get do not investigate and do not care if a wife is a ‘Moser’ or is an obvious ‘Moredet’ all for the mighty divorce
dollar. Your website shows that these organizations will bend and change Jewish law to fit their own need. I still
don’t understand why a GETT is that important to these women as no man would ever want to marry them in fear
that they might do the same thing to them.
I would suggest that everyone examine the list of over 70 feminist Rabbi’s listed on the ORA website. Why would
any honest and learn’ed Rabbi want to be associated with a website that violates Jewish law and is an obvious
‘Mamzer’ factory. How embarassing for our religion and how sad for the true agunahs. Bergmann can easily be the
Poster Child for Fake Agunahs. Any chance you might be selling T-shirts with her mugshot? If so put me down for two.
You’ve encouraged me to start working on my own similar website. I’ll send you a link when it is up and we can
exchange links.
Anonymous (but I’m one of the 20 people listed on the ORA site).
WEBMASTER RESPONSE - Welcome as the first responder! I have not considered selling mugshot T-shirts, but
good idea. If you need any assistance with your website, let me know as I can probably help. Check back here
frequently, as I have more plans for expanding this site.
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