Below is a Fake Agunah living in Far Rockaway, NY who goes by various names, being: Julie Ann Bergmann(AKA - Also Known As) Yehudit Bergmann(AKA) Hadassah Bergmann(AKA) Yetta Pesha Bergmann(AKA) Yenta Pesha Bergmann(AKA) Hadassa Yeta Pesha bat Malka BashaUnder Jewish law, a divorce requires a religious procedure called a GET, which can only be granted by the husbandand must be done by his own free will. Any type of coercion will invalidate a GET. Without a proper GET, the marriageis still considered valid, and any child(ren) the woman has with another man would be regarded as a Mamzer(Illegitimate). AGUNAHAn Agunah is a Jewish woman who is unable to remarry because her husband has refused or is unable to grant her aGET. The term Agunah comes from the Hebrew word which means “Anchored” or “Chained”. A woman may be considered a TRUE Agunah only by a few circumstances.*1)The husband has completely disappeared (whereabouts unknown).2)The husband has refused to give his wife a GET (under any circumstances).3)The husband left for military service and is MIA (Missing In Action).*The above only applies if the woman has not contributed to her own plight. Unfortunately, today there is a concept called FAKE AGUNAH, for women who utilize the term Agunah for sympathyor charity for their marital discord. They weaponize the term Agunah (see the following link of a modern day fakeAgunah) Fake Modern-Day Agunah. This occurs when a woman violates Halacha (Jewish Rules) of divorce usually bylitigating in Civil Court or trying to steal his monies or child(ren) against Jewish Law. This is happening moreand more today because of feminist Rabbis who are allowing women to violate this Halacha in exchange for money,sex or the promise of their child(ren).Matters that complicate the woman from receiving a Kosher GET.1)Filing in Civil Court for divorce. Jewish law strictly prohibits using the Civil Court to litigate a Jewish Divorce.2)Purposely ignoring a Hazmanah (Beth Din Summons) or Siruv (Beth Din Ruling).3)Asking the Civil Court to compel the husband to issue a GET.4)Using the Civil Court to deny the husband his children.5)Using the Civil Court or bribing the children to change their first and/or last name.6)The wife persuading the children not to spend time with their father including bribing with money.7)Violating Civil Court orders which caused the wife to have a Bench Warrant issued against her. (See below).8)Contacting family members, friends, employers, etc. to try and coerce and humiliate the husband to give a GET.9)The wife publishing the husband’s name in newspapers and social media in a manner to besmirch his reputation.10)Posting a sign in father’s yard that states: “Dad Die” in order to harass, threaten and embarrass him.11)Purposely scheduling the child(ren) activities on father’s time to keep child(ren) from father.12)Lying and fabricating facts to try to get an upper hand in Civil Court. 13)Involving the children in the Civil Court divorce litigation. Any of the above can seriously delay the giving of a GET. Truly a shame that Bergmann violated numerous Jewish Laws in pursuing Civil Court and then refused to follow theCivil Court orders in a court that she so insistently wanted. Lashon Hara (Evil Speech)Translated literally as “Evil Speech” refers to various types of language prohibited by Jewish law. The term is used torefer to all manners of prohibited speech, whether true or not, sometimes translated as malicious gossip, but technicallyLashon Hara refers only to true speech that is damaging to the subject, but encompasses Motzi Shem Ra (spreadingmalicious lies & slander) and Rechilut (harmless gossip). Jewish law considers Lashon Hara to be a significant sin, as itharms social cohesion and is very difficult to atone for. Jewish law regards both the speaker and the hearer of LashonHara as liable. The Talmud records a number of sayings about the seriousness of Lashon Hara, equating it with thedenying the existence of G-d and to the three cardinal sins: being murder, idolatry and sexual immorality. It is impossibleto go through a contested Civil Court divorce without speaking Lashon Hara. What is the solution to this problem? Very simply, just one word. Teshuvah (Repentance)Doing Teshuvah will give Bergmann her GET along with the removal of this website. The ball has always been in hercourt to fix this or not. She has known for quite some time that doing Teshuvah is all that is required. Nothing more andnothing less. The facts of this case are very straightforward:1)Wife initiated divorce litigation in the Missouri Civil Court system. 2)Husband responded in accordance with Jewish Law by requesting a Jewish Beth Din hearing with: The Union ofOrthodox Rabbis of the United States and Canada utilizing Rabbi Tsvi Ginsberg (see document below).3)Rabbi Ginsberg sent wife three Hazmanot (Beth Din Summons). The wife ignored all three Hazmanot. The BethDin warned Bergmann: “that according to Jewish Law, it is prohibited to bring a dispute to the Civil Courts anddemanded that she immediately withdraw the dispute with her husband from the Civil Courts and present itto a Beth Din to rule according to Jewish Law.”4)Bergmann ignored this stern warning from the Beth Din and continued with even more Civil Court actions.5)The Beth Din, being disgusted with Bergmann’s actions, issued a final ruling, being: “If in the future Julie Sokol(Bergmann) will summon her husband Robert to appear before a Beth Din on this issue, Robert Sokol will notbe obligated to go to Beth Din with her.” QUESTION: How much would you sell your Halek (portion) of Olam Haba (World to Come) for? The Medrash (Bereshit Rabba 1:14) tells us: The world was made with the letter “Beit” (the second letter of theHebrew alphabet) to teach that there are really two worlds - Olam Ha’zeh (This World) and Olam Haba (The Worldto Come). Pirkei Avot (4:16 - 22) spells out the difference between these two worlds: Rebbe Yaakov says - Olam Ha’zeh (thisWorld) is similar to a hallway leading into Olam Haba (the World to Come). Fix yourself in the hallway in order toenter the banquet hall. He (also) used to say - One moment of Teshuvah (repentance) and good deeds in this world isgreater than all of existence in Olam Haba; and one moment of spiritual pleasure or satisfaction in Olam Haba isgreater than all of existence in Olam Ha’zeh.